
Visit the Cemetery

Visiting is free and all are welcome!

The cemetery is located in Portland’s West End. The Davies Gate main entrance is at Vaughan St. and Clifford St.

Public parking is free on all surrounding streets.

We invite your respectful visits to this sacred burial ground and public open space. Enjoy the historic grave markers through photography and quiet reflection, but please do not touch these fragile memorials. No dogs are allowed. Please note that the cemetery is being refurbished, and many pathways are missing and rocky/unlevel. Sturdy footwear is recommended. 

If you are looking for a particular grave of an ancestor, click here to access a search of the cemetery.


map and directions


Dates: Sundays, June through October
Time: Starting at 2 PM, for about one hour

You may sign up by completing the form here. Groups and walk-ins are welcome. All tours begin at the Davies Gate on Vaughan Street (see directions).

Off-season tours: By request on other days from June through October. Please complete the form and indicate your requested date and group size, and a volunteer will confirm with you. Please give us at least one week notice to arrange an off-season tour.

Tour Request

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